Covid-19 and "New Normal" : Opportunity and Profitability Path for Inland Logistic Companies
In the midst of the current COVID-19 pandemic in Indonesia, the government releases regulation on social distancing and work from home that aims to break the virus transmission chain.
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IoT Solution to Improve Public Transportation Services
In order to improve the aspects of safety, comfort, and performance of public transportation services, our Ministry of Transportation (Kemenhub) has released mandatory regulation for public transportation companies to implement GPS tracking solution.
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How Fleet Management System Can Reduce Fleet’s Operational Cost
The era of e-commerce and digital transformation is inevitably growing rapidly, easing so much online transaction, proven by the rapid growth of users and total transaction value.
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Adapting Logistic Industry In The New Normal Era
The Covid-19 pandemic occurred since early 2020 has a significant
impact not only on the Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs)
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